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KUMON My Book of Pasting

KUMON My Book of Pasting

定價 $79.50
定價 售價 $79.50
現貨 售罄

透過這本練習冊,孩子們能練習使用剪刀和膠水,提升小肌肉的控制能力。從剪下圖片開始,把圖片黏貼到每頁的指定位置上,直至完成整幅圖畫。 漸漸圖片變得更加複雜,最終要求孩子自由決定部件應該貼到哪裡。 通過剪貼圖片和拼砌插圖,他們能感受到用自己雙手創造事物的喜悅。

•產地 : 北美設計,中國印刷,美國直送

8 1/4 x 11 2/3 英吋. 平裝版,80頁,全彩。

This workbook is designed to improve children’s fine motor skills by practising the use of tools such as scissors and glue. Exercises start with cutting pieces and pasting them onto designated places on each page to complete a picture. Gradually, the pictures become more complex and the child is eventually asked to decide freely where the parts should go. Children enjoy the variations towards the illustrations by cutting and pasting. When they do so, they realize the joy of creating things with their hands.

•Printed in China, Imported from North America

8 1/4 x 11 2/3 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color.
